
Trial Lawyers College
Faculty Member

Karl is an active faculty member of the Trial Lawyers College devoting several weeks of every year instructing trial attorneys from around the nation who attend the college or the four-day seminars held across the country.


Lummi Island CLE
Host & Instructor

Karl also hosts the four-day annual Lummi Island CLE for trial attorneys from all over the country during the third week in July, bringing in the best of the best to share their skills and discoveries with those who continue to hone their own skills to better represent their injured clients.

Guest Speaker & Instructor


Karl is a frequent speaker at seminars for lawyers on such topics as Insurance Bad Faith, Critical Trial Skills, Case Evaluation and Preparation, and The Importance of Jury Trials in our justice system. He has instructed in Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Kampala in Uganda (for Justice Advocacy Africa).



Karl is frequently asked to consult on cases for other attorneys that are trial bound; and heads up or participates in quickly formed groups of committed trial attorneys who help one another when needed to focus on a particular case or issue.